Artist House 45

Artist House 45 was a live/work project based in a two bedroom back-to-back terrace in Beeston, South Leeds, which ran from 2015–2020. The project was set up by East Street Arts to provide long term residencies for artists and respond to a need for better, and more stable, living conditions for artists. By providing space and support for artists to live and work, the project explored the benefits of artist-led practices located within the everyday (outside of conventional exhibition, studio and artworld structures). The next phase of the project is currently being negotiated.

The house is owned by Leeds City Council, but was vacant and in need of renovations for a number of years. East Street Arts agreed to take on the house for five years at a peppercorn rent (with the intention to fund and programme artistic activity) in exchange for undertaking the work required to return it to social housing.

Artist House 45 Illustration.
Artist House 45 during Sophie + Kerri’s residency. Photograph: Jonathan Orlek (2019).
Artist House 45 during Sophie + Kerri’s residency. Photograph: Jonathan Orlek (2019).
Artist House 45 during Lloyd-Wilson’s residency. Photograph: East Street Arts/Daisy Robson Wright (2017). 
Artist House 45 during Lloyd-Wilson’s residency. Photograph: East Street Arts/Daisy Robson Wright (2017).